"increasing trend" . "direct militarization" . "police militarization" . "aggressive policing" . "Militarization of police \u00A7 United States" . "militarization in police forces" . "Militarization of police" . "demilitarization of police" . "militarized police departments" . . "militarised police forces" . . "Militarization of police#Allegations of \\\"war on police\\\"" . "military-police" . "militarized police" . "paramilitary-style" . "upgrade their firepower" . "militarisation of police" . "militarization of protest policing" . . . "demilitarize" . "use of military and military-style equipment by police" . "heavily militaristic" . "militarization of the police" . "warrior cop" . "police demilitarization" . "police" . "militarization of policing" . "demilitarization" . "Militarisation of Police" . . "use of military equipment by police" . "Militarization of police" . "militarization of police" . "militarised" . "militarized" . "Demilitarize communities" . "militarization of American police" . "Militarization of police#United States" . . "the arming of rank-and-file police officers" . . "militarization" . "Militarization of police#Snipers" .