"Nihon" . "those of Japan" . "Cipango" . "land of the rising sun" . . "classical name" . "country name" . "Japan's name" . "classical name for Japan" . "Names of Japan#Other names" . "archaic name for Japan" . "\\\"Land of the Rising Sun\\\"" . . "origin of the sun" . "Mizuho" . "name of the country" . "rising sun" . . "Toyoashihara no Nakatsukuni" . . "Names of Japan#Other East Asian nations" . . "Names of Japan#Other Southeast and East Asian nations.27 languages" . "Central Reed Plain" . . . "nickname" . "name of Japan" . "''Yashima''" . "Names of Japan#Nihon and Nippon" . . "Cipangu" . "the land of the rising sun" . . "name for Japan" . "Names of Japan#Jipangu" . . "Nippon" . "ancient name" . "Zipangu" . "Names of Japan#Jippon" . "\u00C7ipangu" . "Dai Nippon" . "Names of Japan#History" . "names of Japan" . "the name" . . "land where the sun rises" . "Names of Japan#Historical" . "''Cipan Gu\u00F3''" . "Classical name of Japan" . "The Land of the Rising Sun" . "Nifon" . "Zipang" . "name" . "Rising Sun" . "nihon" . . . "named after Japan" . "The word \\\"Japan\\\" is not Japanese" . "Land of the Rising Sun" . "Classical name" . "Names of Japan" . . "Jipang" . "Names of Japan" .