"extraction of organs and tissues" . "experimenting" . "human experimentation laboratory" . "his experiments" . "the Nazi's medical experiments" . "Nazi-era human experimentation" . "experiments on human victims" . . . "deadly experiments on prisoners" . "medical experimentations" . "human experiment" . "Dachau experiments" . "medical procedures which were later followed during the Nazi Holocaust" . . "Nazi medical abuses" . "experimented upon" . "medical tests" . "Nazi human experimentation" . "human medical experiments" . . "human experiments" . "Nazi experiments on human beings" . "gypsy children who had been experimented on by the Nazis" . "experiments on prisoners" . "medical experiments done on concentration camp prisoners" . "Freezing of the human body" . "pseudo-scientific experiments on the prisoners" . "Nazi doctors" . "experimental subjects" . "medical experimentation" . "hypothermia experiments" . "human experimentation in Nazi Germany" . "cruel medical experiments" . "Nazi medical experiments" . "experiments on human subjects" . "deadly experiments on humans" . "human experimentation" . "medical experiment" . "Nazi human experiments" . "Nazi labs" . "experimented on" . "sadistic scientific experiments" . "human medical experimentation" . "human test subjects" . "medical experiments performed by the Nazis" . "Nazi human experimentation \u2014 Sulfonamide experiments" . "medical research" . "Nazi experiments on humans" . . "Nazi doctors who conducted experiments on the wartime prisoners" . . "human experimentation programs" . "Drinking seawater" . "Nazi experiments" . "sterilization experiments" . . "it was used on prisoners" . . "Nazi scientists" . "program of medical experimentation" . "sulfonamide" . "Nazi Germany" . "\\\"medical\\\" experiments" . "experiments on humans" . "savagely cruel medical experimentation" . "hypothermia experiments in the Dachau concentration camp" . . "actual experiments" . "human experimentation carried out by the Nazis" . "subjected to a medical experiment" . "Nazi Scientists" . "conducted human experiments on prisoners" . "Nazi medical experiment" . "torturous medical experiments" . "experiments of Nazi physicians" . "Medical Experimentation in Nazi Germany" . "Nazi human experimentation#Experiments on twins" . "experimentation" . "barbarous medical experiments" . . "experimentation on camp inmates" . "human experiments conducted by the Nazis" . "medical experiments on helpless subjects" . "neurologist from the Dachau concentration camp" . "High altitude tests" . "experiment" . . "pseudo-scientific human experiments" . "Nazi experimentation" . "experiments" . "gruesome medical experiments" . "medical experiments" . "surgical experiments" . "freezing experiments" . "Nazi human experimentation" . "biological experiments" .