"spills of oil" . . . "Oil_spill#Largest_oil_spills" . "spilled" . "environmental harms" . "oil slick" . "oiled sea birds" . "spilled oil" . "Oil spill" . "environment damage" . "oil discharges" . "cleaning up" . "oil spills." . "treat oil spills" . . "spillage" . "largest oil spill" . "discharge of oil" . "oil disasters" . "oil spill recovery and prevention" . "oil spill response" . . "pollution of the sea by oil" . "fuel slick" . . "pollution" . "release the oil" . "Oil spill#Cleanup and recovery" . "marine oil spills and chemical releases" . "spill containment" . "black tide" . "spilling less oil" . "release oil" . "oil leakage" . . . . "leaking pollutants" . "oil spill" . . "oil leak" . "contaminated" . . "oil spill recovery operations" . "Oil Pollution" . . "spill contamination" . "birds affected" . "spilling oil" . "Crude oil spill" . . . "discharge or probable discharge of oil" . "pollution response" . "oil" . . "spills" . "Oil spills" . "slick" . "largest oil spills" . . "accidentally releasing" . . "pollution or threat of pollution of the sea by oil" . . "fuel spill" . "Discharge of Oil" . "Oil slick" . "oil pollution" . "Oil spill#Estimating the volume of a spill" . "Worldwide Oil Spill Model" . . . "oil recovery" . "spill" . "ITOPF study" . "spilling millions of gallons of oil" . "oil patches" . "oil spills" . "spill prevention plan" . . . "spills oil" . "oil sheen" . . . "oil spill recovery" . . "oil spillage" . "black" . "Oil Spill" . "Oil spill" . "crude oil spill" . "petroleum spilled" .