"Oldest people#Chronological list of the oldest living man since 1973" . "world's oldest person" . "oldest (confirmed) living person" . "oldest recognized living person" . . . . "The longest verified lifespan" . "longest-lived" . "Oldest people" . "world's oldest verified living man" . "oldest person in the world" . "oldest human" . "oldest recorded Irishman" . "World's oldest person" . "oldest man in the world" . "dean of humanity" . . "oldest people" . . . "Oldest people#Chronological list of the oldest known living person since 1955" . "fifth-oldest person in the world" . "the oldest living former Buffalo Soldier" . "the oldest living person in the world" . . "verified oldest living man" . . "Niwa Kawamoto" . "Oldest people#100 verified oldest men" . "oldest recorded person to have ever lived" . "Oldest living man" . . "Oldest people#Oldest living people" . "oldest person" . "the 12th-oldest living man in the world" . "Oldest people" . . . "oldest human being" . . "the oldest living person" . "verified oldest living person" . . "unverified claimant" . "the oldest recognized person in the world" . . "Oldest people#Ten oldest living people" . "oldest person ever" . "longest confirmed human lifespan on record" . "world's oldest living man" . "oldest living man" . "one of the oldest people" . "limit of 125 years" . . . "oldest" . "oldest living person" . "Augusta Holtz" . "oldest recognised person in the world" . "3rd oldest man in the world" . . "world's oldest living person" . "longest documented human lifespan" . "oldest man" . "List of the oldest living men since 1973" . . "Germany's Oldest Living Man" . . . "over 1000 years old" . "Lists of oldest people" . "world's oldest man" . "longest living person" . . .