"1 soldier killed" . "border|22pxPAIGC" . . "7 dissidents killed" . "Operation Green Sea" . "* Failed to capture or killAm\u00EDlcar CabralandAhmed S\u00E9kou Tour\u00E9." . . . "* All 26 Portuguese POWs rescued." . "* PAIGC and Guinean ships and air force assets destroyed." . "1970" . "200 dissidents" . . "3 patrol boats" . . "November attempt to overthrow the government" . . "2 landing craft" . . "invasions of the territory" . . . . . "Portuguese invasion of Guinea" . . . . . . . "220 soldiers" . . . "Operation Green Sea" . . "Portuguese invasion of the capital" . . "invades Conakry" . . . . "aftermath of Operation Mar Verde" . . "Unknown" . "1970-11-22" . . "Portuguese victory" . . "Guinean dissidents" . .