"inclination" . "very far orbit" . "Wikipedia article on the subject" . "lunar orbit" . . "minor lunar standstill" . "the Moon's orbit" . "Moon\u00B4s orbital parameters" . "Moon's orbital period" . "moon's orbit" . "Moon's orbit" . "moonset" . "monthly rotation" . "orbit" . "its elliptical orbit" . . . "the moon's orbit" . "Orbit of the Moon" . . "Path of Earth and Moon around Sun" . "its orbit" . "complex motions of the Moon" . "of the Moon" . "Orbit of the Moon" . "perturbed and approximately elliptical orbit" . . "moonrise" . "variation of the distance of the moon in a month" . . "orbital plane of the Moon" . "Moon's elliptical orbit" . "Moon's elliptic orbit" . "orbit of the Moon" . . .