"attacks on Israel" . "firing Qassam rockets and mortars over the barrier" . . "rocket and mortars fire into Israel" . "rockets" . . "shelling" . "mortar rocket attacks" . . "Palestinian rocket attacks" . "rocket launchings" . . "launches more than 100 rockets" . "fired thousands of rockets" . "further barrage of rocket attacks" . "mortar attacks" . "rocket fire" . "rocket attacks on Israeli towns" . . "Palestinian rockets fired into southern Israel" . "use of rockets by the Palestinians" . "were fired" . "firing rockets" . . "rocket attacks on Israel" . . "rockets fired at Israel" . "Palestinian rocketry" . "Palestinian rockets" . . "firing of rockets" . . "Fatality victims of Palestinian rocket attacks memorial" . . "rocket attacks aimed at Israelis" . . "rockets fire by Palestinian militants" . "Palestinian rocket fire into Israel" . "missile strikes" . "firing of a Kassam rocket" . "Qassam rocket launches" . . "their rocket attacks on Israeli" . "rocket attacks" . "Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel" . "attacks from Gaza" . . "Rocket and mortar attacks" . "Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel" . "rockets and mortars" . "Hamas's rocket attacks" . "Palestinian rocket attacks from Gaza" . "deployed" . .