. "2016 Panama Papers investigation" . . . . . . . "leaked document" . "Panamagate" . "Panama Papers International" . . "reactions to the Panama Papers in the United Kingdom" . "The Panama Paper" . "money laundering" . . "leaked" . . "Panama Papers' Leak" . "was named as" . . "set of 11.5 million confidential documents" . . . "the Panama papers" . "mentioned in the Panama Papers" . . "Panama Papers" . . "offshore leaks" . . . . "Panama law firm reveals" . . . "2016 Panama Papers" . . . . . . . "Panama Papers Investigation" . . "The Panama Papers" . . "the Panama Papers" . . "Offshoregate" . . . . "Panama_Papers#Official_reactions_and_investigations" . . "Panama Papers" . "Panama Papers leak lists" . . "Mossack Fonseca" . . "Panama Paper" . "Panama papers" . . . "leak" .