"commercial crisis" . "beginning" . "panic of 1873" . "depression of the 1870s" . "stock market crash in 1873" . . "shipping depression" . . "1873 financial panic" . "economic crises of 1873\u20131877" . . "North American panic of 1873" . "founding crash in 1873" . "that year he lost" . "panic" . "nationwide depression of 1873" . "financial panic of 1873" . "1873" . "the previous year's banking crisis" . . "the stock market crash" . "Panic of 1873#Germany and Austria-Hungary" . "financial crisis" . "financial crash of 1873" . "1873 Stock market crash" . "depression in the mid-1870s" . "1872" . "economic depression of the 1870s" . . "Panic of 1873" . "The great silver devaluation of 1873" . "Crash" . "financial panic of that year" . "Great Panic of 1875" . . . "bank panic" . "current recession" . . "stock market crash of 1873" . "Great Crash of 1873" . "an economic depression" . "a threat to the commercial position" . . "Der Krach" . "financial panic hit in September 1873" . "the international silver crisis" . "economic crisis of 1874" . "1873\u201375" . "depression" . "economic panic" . "demonetization of silver" . "that year's economic crisis" . "Panic of 1873" . . "downturn" . "Black Friday panic" . . "Panic" . "Crash of 1873" . "financial crisis of 1873" . "nationwide financial collapse" . "depression of 1873" . "Long Depression of 1873" . . . "financial panic" . "economic crash of the 1870s" . "The Panic" . "1873 financial crises" . . "financial scandals of the early 1870s" . "an economic downturn" . . "national depression" . "the financial panic of 1837" . . "financial panic in 1873" . "stock market crash" . "global stock market crash in 1873" . "economic recession in 1873" . "Financial Panic of 1873" . . "Panic of 1873#Coinage Act of 1873" . "financial crash" . . "economic depression" . "economic depression of 1873" . "that of 1873" .