"1893 silver crash" . "bank panic in 1893" . "financial panic swept the nation" . "great depression of 1893" . "national recession beginning in 1893" . . "1890s depression" . "1893 financial depression" . "a time of severe depression" . "panic of '93" . "depression years of the 1890s" . "deep depression" . "economic downturn in the 1890s" . "Panics of 1893" . "U.S. economic Depression of 1893" . "Recession of 1893\u20131894" . "worldwide financial panic" . "Financial Panic and Recession of 1893" . . "economic depression of 1893" . "1893 bank crash" . . "financial crisis that year" . "economic crash of 1893" . "the stock market crash of 1893" . "Silver Crash of 1893" . "serious economic depression" . "agricultural crisis of the 1890s" . "depression in the 1890s" . "Panic of 1893" . . . "depression" . "national economic depression in 1893" . "deepening in 1893" . "1893\u201397" . "economic crisis of April 1893" . "recession of the mid to late 90s" . "severe depression in 1893" . "1893\u20131894" . "that year's economic crisis" . "the national financial panic of 1893" . "stock market crash of 1893" . "dire economic state" . . "in 1893" . "financial panic of 1893\u20131897" . "national depression" . . "1890s Depression" . "the deep recession of 1893" . "depression of 1893-96" . "major economic depression of the early 1890s" . "Trouble in 1893" . "economic stagnation of 1893" . "depression (then called \\\"panics\\\") of 1893" . "economic depression that began in 1893" . "1893 depression" . . "Panic of \u201993" . "Cash Panic of 1893" . "The Panic of 1893" . "national financial panic" . "the panic on the stock exchange in 1893" . "1893 Silver Crash" . "financial crises of the 1890s" . "The panic of 1893" . "economic Depression in the U.S. in 1893" . "depression between 1893" . "economic depression" . "depressions" . "Panic of 1893#Shipping" . "economic depression in 1893" . "poor economy" . . "national economic depression" . "Silver Panic of 1893" . "deep economic depression" . . "severe economic depression 1893\u20131897" . "banking crash of the 1890s" . . "trouble of 1893" . "depression of the 1890s" . "economic crisis of 1893" . "four-year economic depression" . . "1890s economic depression" . "a nationwide economic depression" . "panic of 1893" . "unfavorable economic conditions" . . "stock market and banking collapse" . "depressions of the 1890s" . . "severe depression" . . "the recession of 1893" . "Three years later" . . "the national depression" . "financial panic of 1893" . "1893" . "Depression of 1893" . "an economic depression" . "U.S. economic depression of 1893\u20131897" . "economic panic and depression" . "Financial Panic of 1893" . "financial panic" . "economic depression of the 1890s" . . "1893 crash of the silver market" . "Panic of 1893-1894" . "financial depression" . "depression of 1893" . "global economic depression" . . "depression in 1893" . . "Economic Panic of 1893" . "Panic of 1893" . "national financial \\\"Panic of 1893\\\"" . "the panic of 1893" . "monetary system collapsed" . "great monetary depression that swept over the country the past few years" . "financial crash of 1893" . . "silver panic of 1893" . "depression at the end of the century" . . "economic downturn" . "economic crisis of the 1890s" . "Silver Panic" . . "severe depression of 1893" .