"permanent resident status" . "landed immigrant of Canada" . "permanent residents in Canada" . "permanent residence" . . "Canadian-landed immigrant status" . "landed immigrant or permanent resident" . "permanent residents of Canada" . . . "landed immigrants" . "landed immigrant status in Canada" . "permanent residency" . . "PR" . "permanent resident" . "Permanent Residence" . "permanent residents" . "Permanent residency in Canada" . "Permanent Residency" . "Canadian permanent residence" . "Canada" . . . "Canadian permanent residency" . . "Canadian Permanent Residency" . "Permanent residents of Canada" . "Canadian permanent residency status" . "permanent residency in Canada" . "Permanent residency in Canada" . "Resident of Canada" . "Canadian permanent resident" . "Canadian Permanent Residents" . . . "permanent resident of Canada" . "landed immigrant" .