"phoneticism" . "shallow orthography" . "Morphophonemic features" . "the phonemic principle" . "phonetic irregularity" . "phonetic alphabet" . "Phonemic orthography" . . "Phonemic and phonetic orthography" . "phonetic system" . "perfect correspondence" . "phonetically regular" . "phonemic orthographic" . "regularity" . "monograph" . "phonemically written" . "phonetic" . "showing" . "one letter should equal one sound" . "Phoneme-Grapheme" . "phonemic language" . "spelled the name as it sounded" . "phonetic orthography" . "Phonemic orthography#Monograph" . "letter sound correspondences" . "phonemic orthography" . "Phonemic orthography" . "fully phonemic spelling" . "phonetic misspellings" . . "morphophonemic orthography" . "phonemic orthographies" . . "phonetically" . "better suited" . "phonetic spelling" . "phonemic transcription" . "Phonemic orthography#Unigraph" . "represent pronunciations" . "phonemic spelling" . "phonetic writing system" . "phonemic alphabet" . "sounds and written letters" . "one-to-one correspondence" . "phonetic sign" . "phonemic" . "phonemic system" . . "Phonemic orthography#Morphophonemic features" . "transcribed phonologically" . "phonemic principle" .