"oxygenic photosynthesis" . "photosynthetic metabolic pathways" . . "Z-scheme" . . "take up" . "photosynthetic cells" . . . "photosynthetic enzymes" . . . . . "using carbon dioxide from the atmosphere" . "the sun" . . "chemical action of light" . "natural photosynthesis" . "photosynthesizing life forms" . "photosynthetic rates" . . "photosynthesizers" . . "light harvesting" . "carbon concentrating mechanisms for photosynthesis" . "autophytic" . "Photosynthetically" . "Photosynthetic carbohydrate synthesis" . "oxygenic phototrophs" . "reduction of carbon dioxide in the air" . . "photosynthesizing" . . "photosynthetic rate" . "oxygenic" . "develop photosynthesis" . . . . "carbon concentrating mechanisms" . . "Photosynthetic yield" . "take in radiative energy" . . "photosyntethic" . "photoperiod" . "photosynthetic organs" . "sunlight" . "photosensitiser" . "oxygenic photosynthetic organisms" . . . "anoxygenic photosynthesis" . "convert light energy into chemical energy" . "Photosynthesis" . "photosynthetic nature" . "non-photosynthesizing" . . . "Oxygenic photosynthesis" . . . "synthetic" . "photosynthetic activity" . . "photosynthetic system" . . "Carbon Concentrating Mechanisms" . "plant growth" . . . "results from life forms (largely green plants)" . "photosynthesizing organisms" . "photosynthetic processing" . "photosynthetic solar energy conversion" . "photosynthesisers" . . "Photosynthesis#Carbon concentrating mechanisms" . "photosynthetic processes" . "transformed" . "draw in" . . . . . "photosynthate" . "photosynthetic assembly" . "photosynthetically" . . "Photosynthesis#C3 : C4 photosynthesis research" . . "Photosynthetic" . . . "CCM" . "photosynthesis" . . "photosynthetic apparatus" . "light-harvesting" . "photosynthetic units" . "non-photosynthetic" . "photosynthetic energy" . "photosynthesize" . . . . "Photosynthesizing" . "photosynthetic organisms" . . . "self-oxygenation" . . "use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere" . . . . "photosynthesising" . "photosynthetic productivity" . . . "Photosynthesis#Evolution" . "photosynthesizes" . "photosynthetic" . "photosynthetic products" . "photolysis of water" . . . . . "carbon assimilated" . "Photosynthetic pigments" . "absorb as they grow" . "Photosynthesis" . .