. "play-by-mail/email games" . "play-by-mail" . "play by email games" . "played by mail" . "Play-by-mail games" . . "human moderation" . . . . . . "Play by email" . . . "close or open ended" . "turn processing" . "play-by-email" . . "hand-moderated" . "E-Mail Games" . "by email" . . "Play-By-Mail Game" . "computer moderated with partial human moderation" . . "human-moderated" . "Play-by-mail game" . "Turnaround time" . "PBEM" . "closed-end" . "play-by-mail game" . . "Play-by-mail game" . "postal games" . "play-by-mail (PBM) game" . "play-by-web" . "email-based" . "play by mail" . . "human moderated" . . . . "computer-moderated" . . "fixed" . "open-end" . "open-ended" . . . "closed end" . "turn-around time" . "play-by-email game" . "open ended" . "Play-by-Mail" . "play by email" . "E-mail" . . . "Play-by-mail game#Play-by-Email" . "email" . "computer moderation" . "postal gaming" . . "PBeM" . "play-by-mail games" . . "turn orders" . . "Play by Email" . "mail games" . "chess email gaming" . "History" . "human moderated with computer assistance" . "diplomacy" . . . "Open ended games" . "PBM" . "computer moderated" . . "play the game by mail" . . . "e-mail chess" . "(open-ended)" . "Play-by-email" . "relatively simple" . "computer or hand-moderated" . "more players" . "closed end games" . .