"deadly use of force by police" . . "trained to use deadly force" . . . "used deadly force" . . "deadly force" . "Police use of deadly force in the United States" . "fatally shot by law enforcement officers" . "killed by police in the United States" . "used by police officer" . "police use of deadly force" . "using deadly force" . "police killings" . "use of deadly force by police" . "police shooting" . "Police returned fire" . "police use of chokeholds" . "series of choking deaths" . "racialized killings by law enforcement officers in the United States" . "killed in interactions with US police" . "Black men account for a disproportionate share of Americans killed by police officers" . "killed in a police encounter" . . "murders of black men by unpunished white police officers" . "use of deadly force" . . . "use deadly force" . . "officer-involved shooting" . "number of people killed by police" . . "killed by police" . "Police_use_of_deadly_force_in_the_United_States" . "killed by the police" . "Police use of deadly force in the United States" . "police shootings" .