"China" . "political" . "cross-strait relationships" . "Taiwan's international status" . "Taiwan's status" . "crisis on both sides" . "claimed province" . "Claimed province" . "politically fraught" . "issues concerning the Taiwan Strait" . "belongs to China" . "Taiwan's sovereignty" . "controlled" . "Issue of Taiwan" . "a territory under post-war occupation administered by a governing authorities recognized as government of China by a few states" . "officially recognises the PRC" . "Taiwan as part of China" . "political influence" . "political parties" . "absence of formal diplomatic relations" . "sovereignty status of Taiwan" . "sovereignty" . "claimed but not administered by the PRC" . "United Nations name" . "Political status" . "political status of the ROC/Taiwan" . "Taiwan-China relations" . "Disputed" . "favouring independence" . "Taiwan as \\\"an inalienable" . . "claims" . "recognition as a country" . . "political status of the ROC and legal status of Taiwan" . "due to political reasons" . "political status of Taiwan" . "recognized" . "China-Taiwan dispute" . "The question" . . "Taiwan dispute" . "Inclusion of Taiwan in maps of \\\"China\\\"" . "claim to Taiwan" . "status of Taiwan" . "legitimacy" . "Taiwan's uncertain sovereignty" . . "disputes" . "no longer" . "status quo" . "the country's effective jurisdiction" . "recognizes Taiwan" . "political status of the region" . . "''de facto'' independence as a separate nation" . "in dispute" . "political reasons" . "Legal status of Taiwan" . "stance on Taiwan" . "Cross-Strait position" . "the Taiwan question" . "the retrocession of Taiwan to the ROC" . "ambiguous political status" . "Disputed sovereignty and naming" . "Taiwan belongs to China" . "disputes this position" . "Taiwan Strait issue" . . . . "separate nation" . "control of the Republic of China" . "the sole legitimate government of China" . "political status of the Republic of China" . . "ROC's diplomatic isolation" . "cross-strait dialogues" . "political and legal status of Taiwan" . "Taiwan" . "Taiwan Issue" . "Taiwan sovereignty" . . "subject of Taiwan" . "issue" . "Taiwanese sovereignty" . "its disputed political status" . "disputed territory of Taiwan" . "Taiwan question" . "Political status of Taiwan" . "official stance" . "Taiwan a part of China" . . "''de facto'' independence of Taiwan" . "claimed" . "rescinded its recognition of the Republic of China" . "opposition from the People's Republic of China" . "its political status" . "cross-straits controversy" . "Taiwan's political status" . "the People's Republic of China does not recognize the Republic of China's statehood" . "disputed status" . "political status" . "Political status of Taiwan" . "Taiwan issue" . "Taiwan Strait issues" . "political status of Republic of China (Taiwan)" . "disputed" . .