"cheating on her with another woman" . . "polygamous relationships" . . "fourteen wives" . "man married to two separate women" . "polygamist" . "marry both of them" . "Polygamous" . . "more wives" . "multiple wives" . "polygamous marriages" . "third wife" . "married two women" . "threeway marriage" . "sexual polygamy" . . "permitted up to four wives" . "Polygamy and religion" . "bigamist" . . "never actually divorced from his previous wife" . . "spiritual wifery" . "bigamy" . "numerous wives" . "Bigamy" . "Polygamous unions" . "the wife of" . "married another woman" . "second marriage" . "Polygamy#Judaism" . . . . "15 wives" . "second wife" . . "sister-wives" . "Vedic polygamic tradition" . . "twelfth wife" . . "wives" . "taking a second wife" . "principal wife" . "marry five times" . "polygamy" . "multi-partnership marriages" . "polygamously" . "Polygamy" . "sister wives" . "marry multiple wives" . . "polygamic" . "five wives." . . . "many wives" . "Polygamy#Religious attitudes towards polygamy" . "Co-wives" . "polygamous unions" . "Polygamy#Current proponents and opponents" . "bigamous" . . "Polygamy" . "married three other women" . "fifteen wives" . . "Polygamy#Legal status" . . . "serial polygyny" . "Catholic doctrine" . "married his step-mother" . "more than one wife" . . . . "polygamous marriage" . "two additional wives" . "minor (second) wife" . "complex marriage" . "polygamists" . "marrying a second wife" . "trigamously" . "polygamous family" . . "have wives common to them" . "polygynous" . "his wives" . "taking multiple wives" . . "two wives" . "polygamous" . "Polygamy#Religious_attitudes_towards_polygamy" . "multiple native wives" . "Polygamous marriages" .