"musical polyphony" . "polyphonic theory" . "Polyphony#European polyphony" . . . "Sacred Polyphony" . . "polyphonic renditions" . "polyphonic texture" . "polyphonic lines" . . . "Polyphony#Balkan region" . . "polyphonic vocals" . "polyphonies" . "polyphony." . "polyphonic singing" . "polyphonic piece" . "polyphony" . "polyphonic compositional techniques" . "polyphonic thinking" . . "polyphonicism" . "polyphonic" . "multi-part music" . "Polyphonic" . "polyphonic choral music" . "polyphonic song" . "polyphonic music" . . "Polyphony" . "polyphonical" . "Renaissance polyphony" . "polyphonist" . "polyphonically" . "three-part polyphonic singing" . "polyphon" . "polyphonic rhythms" . "polyphonic manner" . "multiple, interweaving melody lines" . "three or four voices" . . "multiple, independent melody lines that are played at the same time" . "poly" . "polyphonic technology" . . "polyphonic writing" . "voices" . "polyphonised" . "Balkans" . "Polyphonic music" . "multiple, independent melody lines were interwoven" . "polyphonous" . "polyphonic techniques" . "Polyphony" . . "polifonico" . "Polyphonic Music" . . "polyphonists" . .