"ports of Manhattan and New Jersey" . . "New York" . . "New York-New Jersey Harbor" . . "Atlantic port" . "its easily accessible harbor" . "Port of New York and New Jersey" . . "New York docks" . "Port of New York and New Jersey" . . . "harbor of New Amsterdam" . . "New York/New Jersey port" . "New Amsterdam's harbor" . "Port of New York and New Jersey Port Newark" . "merchant port of New York" . "port of New York" . . "seaports" . "New York / New Jersey" . "Port Of New York" . "port" . . "New York Harbor" . . "port of New York City" . . . . "ports" . "Port of New Jersey" . "Naval Officer of the Port of New York" . . . . . "port operations" . . . "Port of New York" . . . "chief inspector of immigration for the Port of New York" . . "Hudson River estuary" . . . "New York and New Jersey" . "harbor" . . . "New Jersey District" . . . "Port of New York City" . .