. . . "pr\u00E6fectum pr\u00E6torio" . "praefectus praetorio" . . "praetorian" . "Praetorian prefect" . "prefect of the Praetorian Guard" . "Praefectus Praetorio" . "Praetorian prefect#Julio-Claudian dynasty (2 BC – AD 68)" . . "praefectus-praetorii" . . . . . "Praetorian prefect#Crisis of the Third Century (AD 235 \u2013 285)" . "prefects of the Praetorian Guard" . "Praefectus praetorio" . "Urban Prefect" . "praetorian prefect" . "imperial prefectures" . . . . "civil" . "Praetorian Prefects" . . "Prefect of the Praetorian Guard" . "praetorian prefecture" . . "Abbreviation of Praefectus Praetorio (Praetorian Prefect), found on inscriptions" . . "command" . "prefect" . "Prefect" . "Praetorian praefect" . . "Prefects of the Praetorian Guard" . . . . "Praetorian prefect" . "Praetorian Prefect" . . "praefecti praetorio" . "Guard prefect" . .