. "Afghanistan" . "president of the Democratic Republic" . . "Interim President" . "Head of State" . . . "President of Afghanistan" . "Deputy to the President's Spokesperson" . . "Chairman of the Presidium of the Revolutionary Council" . . . "President" . "Afghan president" . "of Afghanistan" . "first democratically elected president" . "presidents" . . "1973" . . "Afghanistan President" . "a presidency" . "Acting President" . . "president" . "President of Afghanistan" . . . "Office of the President" . "Head of the Revolutionary Council
of the Armed Forces" . "Presidential" . "president of Afghanistan" . . "the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" . "Office of the President of Afghanistan" . "Afghanistan's President" . "Presidents" . "Former President of Afghanistan" . "\\\"caretaker\\\" president" . "Office of President" . . "President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" . . "Heads of state" . . . . "Afghan presidency" . . "Chairman" . . . . "Presidency" . "Afghan President" . "then-President of Afghanistan" .