"Additional Secretary to the President" . "President of Sri Lanka" . "third executive president" . "executive president" . "President" . . "Executive President of Sri Lanka" . "Sri Lankan president" . "former president" . . "President of the country" . . "the President" . . "Executive President" . . . "presidential" . . "president of Sri Lanka" . "President Sri Lanka" . "President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka" . "of Sri Lanka" . . . . . "Head of State" . . . "Sri Lanka" . . "Presidents" . . "Sri Lankan Presidents" . "President of Sri Lanka" . "Presidency" . "president" . . "Office of the President" . "Sri Lankan President" . . "Acting President" . "Presidential flag of Gotabaya Rajapaksa" . "presidency" . "Presidential" . . "executive presidency" . . "Government" .