"Prymas" . "Archbishop Primate" . "Primate of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa" . "primacy" . "Primacy" . . "primatial" . "Primate of Denmark" . . "chief prelate" . "Primate" . "Primate Metropolitan" . "primatal" . "Primatial see" . "primus" . "bishop" . "Primate Emeritus of the Netherlands" . "Primatial See" . . . . "Primate (bishop)" . "national primate" . "primatial status" . "Primate of Mexico" . "primate" . "primatial seat" . "''primate''" . "Primate of All England" . "Prime Bishop" . "senior bishop" . "Primate Archbishop of Portugal" . "Primate of Latvia" . "Presiding Bishop" . . "Primate of Hungary" . . "Primatial" . "Primates" . . "primate (bishop)" . "Primate of Belgium" . "Primaz" . "The Primate of Hungary" . . "Roman Catholic primate" . "Primate of the Netherlands" . . "leading bishop (''primas'')" . "Prince Primate of Hungary" . "Primate Emeritus of Canada" . . "Primate of the Low Countries" . "prime bishop" . "Primate of Portugal" . . "Primate of Poland" . "Primate Emeritus of Belgium" . "Primate of Canada" . "primate bishops" . "Primate (bishop)" . . "Primate of Corsica and Sardinia" . "Primate of All Ireland" . "head" . . "Presiding Bishop Emeritus of ELCK" . "primal see" . "Primate Emeritus of Sweden" . . "Primate of Bohemia" . "primatial see" . "primates" . "Primate of Sweden" . "first hierarch" . "primate bishop" . "ruling Bishop" . "Primatial Archbishop" . "Primat des Gaules" . "primatial c" . "Primate's" . "Primate of Estonia" . "First Hierarch" . "Primate of Scotland" . "Primate of South America" . "Primate Emeritus of Mexico" . . "First Primate of Poland" .