. "formally lead the cabinet" . "Dutch prime minister" . . "Chairman of the Council of Ministers" . "Minister-President (''Minister-president'')" . "Prime Minister's" . . "prime ministers" . "Prime Ministers" . "Prime ministers of the Netherlands; from 1954, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands" . . "PM" . . "Prime Minister of
the Netherlands" . . "prime minister" . "Minister-President" . "Prime Minister" . "Netherlands Prime Minister" . "Prime Minister of the Netherlands" . "Dutch Prime Minister" . "Netherlands" . "Minister of General Affairs" . . "prime minister of the Netherlands" . "minister-president" . "Prime ministers of the Netherlands" . "Prime Minister of the Netherlands" . "prime ministers of the Netherlands" . "Prime ministers" . "Dutch premier" . "Prime minister of the Netherlands" . "Prime ministers of the Netherlands; Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands" . "in the Netherlands" .