"provide material support" . . "provision of material support to a terrorist organization" . "Providing material support for terrorism" . "providing material support to a terror organization" . "aiding terrorists" . "provide material support the terrorist organization" . "providing material support to Al Qaeda" . "providing material support to al-Qaeda" . "provided material support" . "material support to terrorism" . "providing material support to terrorists" . "providing material support for a terrorist organization" . "providing material support" . "provide material support and resources to al Qaeda" . . "provide material support for terrorism" . "conspiracy to provide material support to a known foreign terrorist organization" . "providing material support for terrorism" . "provide material support to al-Qaeda" . "Providing material support for a terrorist organization" . "providing material support for terrorists" . "material support" . "financial and material support to terrorists" . "provide material support to terrorists" . "attempting to provide material support" . "material support or resources" . . "conspiracy to provide material support for terrorism" . . "Providing material support for terrorism" .