"cliff-ghasts" . "Races and creatures in ''His Dark Materials''" . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials" . . "gyptians" . . "Tualapi" . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials#Spectres" . "witch" . "Gyptians" . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials#Armoured Bears (panserbj\u00F8rne)" . "Four Gallivespians" . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials#Gyptians" . "angels" . "Harpies" . "Spectres" . "armoured bear" . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials#Armoured bears (panserbj\u00F8rne)" . . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials" . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials#Gallivespians" . "Angels" . "cliff ghasts" . "Gyptian" . . "angel" . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials#Mulefa" . "panserbj\u00F8rne" . "Armoured bears" . "armoured polar bears" . . "Panserbj\u00F8rne" . "highly developed animals" . "panserbj\u00F8rn" . . "Races and creatures in His Dark Materials#Armored Bears (panserbj\u00F8rn)" . "Gallivespian" . "Races_and_creatures_in_His_Dark_Materials#Gallivespians" . "witches" . "Mulefa" .