"a key underpinning of government policy" . "Nazi persecution" . . "Nazi antisemitism" . "racist Nazi policies" . "Racial_policy_of_Nazi_Germany" . "for being a Jew" . "a complex of racial categories" . "Nuremberg race laws" . "other minorities" . "Nazi racial perspective" . "the government deemed undesirable" . "Nazi Germany's racial and ethnic policies" . "racial standards of the Nazis" . . "subsequent political developments" . "German racial laws" . "Nazi racial theory" . "population policies" . "government strategy" . "Hitler's racial and ethnic policies" . "racially valuable" . "Nazi race policies" . "racial policies and theories" . "anti-Jewish policies" . "non-aryan" . "discriminated against" . "National Socialists" . "racial policy of the National Socialists" . "those which existed in Nazi Germany" . "government persecution" . "core underpinning" . "racist doctrine" . "Nazi Germany" . "German racial and cultural policies" . "closed down" . "Aryan physical superiority" . "Nazi racial politics" . "persecution of the Jews" . "Jews under Hitler" . "colleagues dismissed from the factory" . "genetic suitability" . "Nazi regime's racial system" . "antisemitism" . "started to arrest Jews" . "Nazi Party's racial policy" . "antisemitic" . "Nazi racial attitudes" . "racial policy" . "National Socialist race policies" . "racial theories" . "racist ideology" . "racial purification policy" . "race-based classifications" . "persecution of Jews" . "racist policies" . "racist ideology of Nazi Germany" . "Nazi racialism" . "Nazi racial categories" . "Nazi era laws" . "Racial_policy_of_Nazi_Germany#Policies_regarding_Poles,_Russians_and_other_Slavs" . "antisemitic hiring conventions" . "inferior Slavs" . "other targeted ethnic groups" . "Nazi anti-Jewish policy" . "Nuremberg laws" . "Nazi ideology" . "Racial policy of Nazi Germany" . "racial purity" . . "\\\"scientific\\\" racism" . "state mandated anti-semitism" . "Nazi racial ideals" . . "National Socialist movement" . . "racial categorization" . . "racial screening" . "Nazi racial policies" . "Nazi Germany's race policies" . "driver of government strategy" . "Germany" . "too foreign" . "racist policies of Nazism" . "racially suitable" . "Nazi race ideas" . "racial extermination by the Nazis" . "mass-firings of Jews" . . "ethnically categorized" . "Nazi persecution of the Jews" . "Racism" . "Racialist policies" . "classification of people" . "Nuremberg Laws" . "state-sponsored persecution of Jewish citizens" . "German race" . "Nazi racial policy" . "sub-human in Nazi Germany" . "racialised politics of the Nazis" . "racial policy of Nazi Germany" . "Nazi Germany's racial policies" . "racially inferior" . "its racial policy" . "racial selection of the expelled Polish inhabitants of the region" . "non-Aryan" . "enshrining racial antisemitic ideas into laws" . "roots" . "populist mantra pf street politicians" . "\\\"inferior\\\" races" . "forced to emigrate" . "policies" . "race" . "a core underpinning of government strategy" . "get worse, especially for Jews" . "Nazi race policy" . "racial policies of Nazi Germany" . "relinquish all his possessions, including his research, to the Nazis" . "race-based" . "race laws" . "ideas on race" . "identified as Jewish" . . "Nazi racism" . "integral" . . "racial principles" . "government race policy" . . "Racial policy of Nazi Germany" . "uncertain racial origin" . "classify the Chinese as racially inferior" . . . "the Germans' Nazi racial policies" . "racist government policies" . "German racial doctrines" . "Aryan policies" . "Nazi racial science" . "racial ideology" . "Nazi legislation" . "pervasive racial theories" . "support for antisemitism" . "racial extermination" . "contribution to Nazi theory" . "Nazi racial laws" . "Nazi Race Delusions" . "Racial categories" . "anyone else considered to be not racially German by the Nazis" . "racial policies" . "torture of Jews" . "racial laws" . "Nazi racial doctrines" . . "Nazi policy" . "racial research" . "Nazi racial ideology" . "Nazi German racial policy" . "antisemitic racism" . "core element of government strategy" . "racial and genocidal policies" . "ideological choices" . "Aryan" . "ideological reasons" . "racist policies of Nazi Germany" . "the Nazis considered the Nordic race and German culture to be superior to other Aryan races and cultures" . "racism" . . "racial criteria for citizenship in the German Reich" . "Nazi policies of racial superiority" . "underpinnings of government policy" . "racial" .