"pledge against raising taxes" . "read my lips: no new taxes" . "his promise not to raise taxes" . . "campaign promise not to raise taxes" . "a 1988 campaign promise" . "read my lips" . . "campaign promise" . "reneged on a campaign promise" . . "\\\"Read my lips: no new taxes!\\\"" . "promised not to raise taxes" . . "in a budget deal" . . "his campaign promise" . "no tax increases" . . "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" . . "promise not to raise taxes" . . . "raise taxes" . "taxes" . . "broken promise" . "Read My Beak" . "Read My Lips" . "not implement new taxes" . . "no new taxes" . "Read my lips: no new taxes" . "tax hikes" . . "Read my lips: no new taxes" . "pledged that he would not raise taxes" . "\\\"no new taxes\\\"" . . "saying taxes wouldn't be raised then raising taxes" . "Read my lips..." . . . . "pledge of never raising taxes" . . "Read my lips \u2026 No new taxes." . "any new taxes" . "pledge not to raise taxes" . . . "the broken pledge not to raise taxes" . "his tax promise" . "Taxpayer Protection Pledge" . . "Read my lips" . "1990 tax hike" . .