"fleeing war" . "foreign refugees" . . "Asylum" . "refugee migration" . . . "child refugees" . . "Refugee worker" . "refuge" . "political refuge" . "war refugees'" . "Refugees" . . "refugee crises" . . . . "forcibly-displaced" . . . . "been displaced" . . "World Day for Migrants and Refugees" . "people facing persecution could seek refuge" . "Refugee" . . "Refugee Status Determination" . . "legal definition of a refugee" . "political-asylum" . . "5400000" . "definitions of a refugee" . "mass exodus" . "25400000" . . "escaped" . . . "asylum seeker" . . "Asylum policy" . "political asylum" . "definitions" . "Refugee#Security threats" . "refugee status determination" . . . "Refuge" . "refugee" . . "[of refugees]" . "refugee relief" . . "African refugees in Israel" . "medical problems" . "displacement through conflict" . "asylum seekers from Africa" . "Refugee#African refugees in Israel" . . "German Jewish refugees" . "local integration" . "African refugee" . "displaced persons" . "population displacement" . . "asylum seekers & refugees" . . "legal definitions" . . "asylum seekers" . . "refugee status" . "19900000" . "refugee children" . . . . . . "asylum applicants" . "asylum" . "Sober care of refugees" . "symptoms" . . "refugees" . "humanitarian migrant" . . . . "political refugees" . . . "asylum-seeker" . . . "fled for their lives" . "United Nations refugees and displaced Persons" . "war refugee" . "asylum-seekers" . "war refugees" . . "Refugee > World War II and UNHCR" . . . "asylum seeking" . . "displaced" . "refugee urbanization" . . . "Refugee" . "political exile" . "Minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees" . . "''refugees''" . . "flight" . "boat people" . "durable solutions" .