"refuses to serve in the Occupied Palestinian Territories" . . . "refuseniks" . "Refusal to serve in the IDF" . "refusal to serve" . "refusnik" . . "Refusal to serve in the IDF#Shministim" . "Refusal to serve in the IDF" . "refusing to serve" . . "Israeli refuseniks" . "conscientious objectors" . "Refusal to serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)" . "Shministim" . "draft law" . "conscientious objector" . . "refused" . . "conscientious objector to military service" . "refuse to serve in the IDF" . "27 reserve pilots and former pilots refused to serve in only specific missions" . "refused to serve" . "Israeli conscientious objectors" . "refuse to serve in the Israeli military" . "pilots' letter" .