"politics" . "crackdown on civil liberties" . . "\\\"Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State\\\"" . "aftermath" . "the aftermath of the Reichstag fire" . "pretext" . . . "Reichstag Fire" . "state of emergency" . "Reich President's Decree for the Protection of the People and the State" . "the aftermath" . "Decree of the President of the Reich for the Protection of People and State" . "after the" . "1933" . . "blamed with implausible immediacy" . . "Emergency" . "legally" . "abolition of central civic rights" . "Reichstag Fire Decree" . "constitution had been suspended" . . "presidential decree" . . . "Decree for the Protection of People and State" . "February 1933" . "declare a state of emergency" . "savage clamp down" . "government mandated intensification of race hatred" . . "immediate aftermath" . "Reichstag Fire Decree" . "the end of February 1933" . "politically and racially motivated arrests" . . . "very quickly became clear" . "decree" . "28 February 1933" . "''Reichstag'' Fire Decree" . . .