"borders of Ireland" . . "borders" . "crossed the border" . "international frontier" . "border" . "its open border" . . "Irish Border" . . "Ireland\u2013UK" . "Republic of Ireland-United Kingdom border" . "hard Irish border" . . "UK-Ireland border" . . . "a border" . . "the Irish border" . "border with Northern Ireland" . "Ireland\u2013Northern Ireland border" . "either side of the island's border" . . "from across the border" . "Republic of Ireland\u2013United Kingdom border" . "Ireland" . "Irish border" . "United Kingdom and Ireland" . . . "the border with Northern Ireland" . "UK-Irish border" . "cross-border basis" . "physical border" . "boundary with" . . ":Republic of Ireland\u2013United Kingdom border" . "a sovereignty dispute" . . "UK-Ireland border zone" . . "cross-border" . "Republic of Ireland\u2013United Kingdom border" . "the border" . . . "the land border" . . "border counties" . . "Northern Ireland border" . . "the international border" . "a land border" . "Republic of Ireland\u2013Northern Ireland border" . . "land border between them" . . . . . . "Northern Irish border" . "border between the Republic and Northern Ireland" . "Border with Northern Ireland" .