"ouster on 22 February" . "Day of Dignity and Freedom" . "2014 revolution" . "change of government" . . "February 2014 ousting" . "coup d'\u00E9tat in 2014" . "revolution" . "fall of the Yanukovych government" . "removal of Yanukovich as President" . "the attitude to the Maidan" . . "2014 Ukrainian revolution" . . "state of revolution" . "political instability in Ukraine" . . "Ukrainian Revolution" . "2014 Ukrainian Revolution" . . "forced out of office" . . . "removal" . . . "overthrow of Yanukovych" . "Maidan Revolution" . "2013\u20132014 Ukrainian political crisis" . "in a revolution in Ukraine" . . . . "overthrow in 2014" . "Russia-Ukraine crisis" . "self-proclaimed" . "Revolution of Dignity#Removal of Yanukovych" . "Ukrainian revolution" . "clashes on February 18, 2014" . "2014 overthrow of the pro-Russia Ukrainian government" . . . "Dignity Revolution" . . . "2014 Ukrainian Crisis" . . "Yanukovych's ouster" . . . . "events in Kyiv" . "coup perpetrated by extremist groups" . "the events" . . "subsequent removal" . "Revolution of Dignity" . ":Revolution of Dignity" . "street fighting in" . . . . "Euromaidan" . . "his removal from power in February 2014" . . . "2013\u20132014 Maidan Uprising" . . . "Maidan events" . . "a revolution" . "period of civil unrest" . . . "Euromaidan Revolution" . "Maidan activities" . . "overthrow" . "ousting" . . "Yanukovych ouster" . "Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity" . "Revolution of Dignity" . .