"Rohingyas on Bangladesh-Myanmar border in 2017" . "genocide of the Rohingya" . "2017" . "Rohingya clearance operations" . "Genocide against its Rohingya community" . . "where around 20,000 of them were killed" . "Rohingya Genocide" . "2016\u20132018" . "military-led violence against the Rohingya" . . . "Rohingya_genocide#Media_coverage" . . "ethnic cleansing" . "atrocities against the Rohingya minority" . . . "persecution of Rohingya people" . "Myanmar's treatment of the Rohingya Muslim" . "military crackdown" . . "attacked" . "2016 and 2017" . "persecution" . "Rohingya genocide" . . "persecution in Myanmar" . . "Rohingya genocide" . . "persecution of the Rohingya by the government forces" . "Rohingya Muslims that began in the 1970s" . "recent Rohingya persecution in Myanmar" . "genocide against the Rohingya" . . . "genocide of the Rohingya people" . "Rohingya crisis" . . . "military crackdown against Rohingya" . "the genocide" . . "Rohingya Crisis: Journey into Rakhine State" . "2017 military crackdown" . . "Myanmar" . "genocide" . "Genocide" . "2016\u201317 persecution" . "atrocities against the Rohingya people" . "Rohingya refugee crisis" . "Rohingya" . "persecution of the Rohingya" . . . . "Myanmar's human-rights violations against the Rohingya" . . "Rohingya genocide#Media coverage in Myanmar" . "Burmese security forces' attacks on the Rohingya" . "faced persecution" . . . . "military operations against Rohingya civilians" . . . . . "Rohingya Muslims" . .