"Roman\u2013Parthian War of 161\u2013166" . "Roman victory" . . "war against the Parthians between 161 and 166" . . . . "invade" . . . "war against Parthia" . . "were at war once more" . . "Parthian war" . "another invasion by Parthia" . "Roman Parthian War of 161-166" . . . "Parthian Campaign" . "War over Armenia" . "against the Parthians" . . . "Roman\u2013Parthian War of 161\u2013166" . "Roman\u2013Parthian War" . "Byzantine Empire" . . . "Parthian campaign" . . . . "Parthian Empire" . . . . . . . "Parthian War" . . "Roman war with Parthia" . . . . "Roman Empire" . "Oriental War Campaign of 161\u2013166 AD" . . . . "invaded Armenia" . "that of Lucius Verus in 161-166" . . . "war with Parthia" . "campaign against the Parthians" . "*Arsacidsre-established on Armenian throne as Roman clients" . . "*CtesiphonandSeleuciasacked" . . . ":Roman\u2013Parthian War of 161\u2013166" . "Parthians" . . . "expedition" .