"Consul (60 BC)" . "consul prior" . "suffect consulate" . "eponymous consuls" . "Consular" . . "consul elect" . "Roman consul#Consul suffectus" . "suffect consul" . "CONSULATE" . "consuls of Rome" . "consulship" . . "Consul of Rome" . "consuls" . "consul-elect" . "Suffect consul" . "consul of the Roman Republic" . . "ordinary consuls" . "Roman consular dating" . "Consular rule" . "consularis" . "consular elections" . "consul ordinarius" . . . "Roman consul" . "consul ''ordinarius''" . "consular" . "Roman consuls designate" . "consular year" . "consul suffectus" . "suffect consuls" . . "Consuls" . "Consul" . "consul of Gaul" . "Consulate" . "Console" . "Roman_consul#Consul_suffectus" . . "Roman consul#Junior consul" . "consulships" . "Consul ordinarius" . "consular rank" . "consular dating" . "consulate" . "consul ''suffectus''" . . "honorary consul" . "ordinary consulship" . "Roman consular powers" . "Consulship" . "consular standing" . "Consoli" . . "consul suffect" . . . . "ex-consuls" . . "eponymous consul" . . . "consul designate" . . "ex-consul" . "''consul ordinarius''" . "Roman suffect consul" . "Roman \\\"king\\\" (i.e. consul)" . "consules suffecti" . "Consul Suffectus" . . "judicial decision" . "consul suffectus in absentia" . "suffect consulship" . . . "Suffect Consul" . "position or rank of consul" . "consul of Rome" . . "ordinary consul" . "Roman consul#suffect consul" . "Consular rank" . . "his consulate" . "consul posterior" . "consular dignity" . "Roman Consul" . . . "Roman consuls" . "consul" . "Roman consul" . . "Imperial Rome" . "consular system of government" .