"sexual misconduct allegations" . . "accused of sexually harassing nine women" . "allegations" . . . . "numerous allegations of sexual misconduct" . . "alleged sexual misconduct" . . "allegations of paedophilia" . "Roy Moore sexual misconduct allegations" . "Roy Moore sexual misconduct allegations" . "sexual misconduct allegations against Moore" . . "credibly accused of sexual assault by multiple women" . "was accused by several women of sexual misconduct" . . "nine women alleged" . . . "sexual conduct" . . . . . "Roy Moore sexual misconduct allegations#Debbie Wesson Gibson" . . . . "allegations of sexual misconduct by Roy Moore" . . "allegations of child sexual abuse and pedophilia against Moore" . "sexual misconduct by Moore" . "accused of sexual misconduct involving teenage girls" . "allegations of sexual misconduct against Roy Moore" . . "sexual misconduct allegations involving young girls" . "sexual assault allegations" . "Roy_Moore_sexual_misconduct_allegations#Beverly_Young_Nelson" . . "alleged" . "sexual misconduct" . "sexual misconduct allegations against Roy Moore" . . "raped and sexually harassed at least eight women and one girl" . . "largely attributed to allegations against his opponent." . . "accuser" . "alleged past sexual harassment" .