"Judgement of Caiaphas" . "Jesus before the Sanhedrin" . . "Sanhedrin trial of Jesus" . "Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus" . "tried by the Sanhedrin" . . "put on trial before the Sanhedrin" . "condemned by the Sanhedrin" . "initial trial at the Sandhedrin" . . "summary judgment" . "gospels themselves disagree" . "trial before the High Priest" . "presented to Caiaphas" . "Sanhedrin" . "trial of Jesus" . "Jesus before Annas and Caiaphas" . "initial trial at the Sanhedrin" . . . . "his trial before the Sanhedrin" . "details of the trials" . "trial of Jesus Christ" . . . . "Caiaphas holds trial" . . . . . "tried" . "his trial" . "Sanhedrin trial" . . "trial before the Sanhedrin" . "Jesus Faces the Sanhedrin" . . . . . . . . "gospels have divergent accounts" . "Sanhedrin trial of Jesus" . "trial by the Sanhedrin" . "Jesus before Caiaphas" . "capital trial in the Sanhedrin" . "the house" . "trial" . "brought to trial before the Sanhedrin" . "condemnation by the Sanhedrin" .