"segregated school for Black children" . "racial segregation of public schools" . "schools were being re-segregated" . "white school" . "\\\"de facto\\\" segregation" . "School racial segregation" . "school segregation" . "racially segregated" . "segregated schools." . "prohibited the attendance" . "segregated by race" . "segregated on the basis of race" . "racial segregation existed in the city's schools" . . "Supreme Court decision would end school segregation" . "separate schools" . "desegregated" . "Segregated schools" . "Milby admitted White and Hispanic students, while it did not admit Black students" . . "Integration" . "school" . "schoolhouses for white students" . . "integrate a segregated Southern university" . "racial isolation" . "public school segregation" . "students were segregated into different schools by race" . "educational segregation" . "racial integration in schools" . "racially-segregated" . "segregated school systems" . "racial segregation in schools" . "racially segregated by law" . . "racial segregation" . "put them in inferior schools" . "reserved for white people and others who were not black" . "segregate public schools" . "School segregation in the United States" . "school segregation in the U.S." . "Racial segregation in schools" . "schools were segregated on the basis of race" . "in public schools" . "an all-White school" . "whites-only school" . "segregated school" . "racially segregated schools" . "segregated public schools" . "racial segregation in education" . "segregation in schools" . "re-segregating schools" . "segregated" . "schools" . "education" . "racial segregation laws" . "reserved for white children" . "public schools to be segregated" . "African-American students" . "school racial segregation" . "segregated schooling" . "schools were segregated by race" . "School segregation in the United States" . "segregated elementary school" . "School segregationism" . "integration of black students" . "segregation of public schools" . . "of schools" . . "Racially-segregated" . "racial integration" . "school segregation in the United States" . "an all-white school" . "racial segregation in public schools" . "segregation of schools" . "School_segregation_in_the_United_States" . "school desegregation" . . "re-segregation" . "segregation" . "segregated schools" . "racial imbalance" .