"scoring in association football" . . "scoring" . "bar" . "Goals scored by hand" . "when a goal is scored" . . . "as described below" . "Scoring in association football" . "goals" . "goal" . "Goal/no goal" . "rouges" . "scored" . "score more goals" . "Goals" . "award a goal to a team prevented from scoring by an opponent's handball" . "score a goal" . "Determining the Outcome of a Match" . "Scoring in association football" . "goal is scored" . "scoring a goal" . "goal being scored" . "\u00A1Gol!" . "scores a goal" . "GS" . "Goals in association football" . "woodwork" . "method of scoring" . . "Determining the outcome of a match" . . "scoring of a goal" .