"scream" . "highs" . "Highs" . "high vocals" . "Screaming_(music)" . "harsh vocals" . "backing unclean vocals" . "Unclean Vocalist" . "screaming technique" . "Screaming (music)#Hardcore and punk rock" . "primal screams" . "Harsh vocals" . "scream vocal" . "death growl" . "backing screams" . "shrieks" . "screaming and shouting" . . "vocals" . "Screaming (music)" . "hardcore vocals" . "scream singing" . "high-pitched shrieks" . "and screamer" . . "screams" . "shrieking vocals" . "backing screamed vocals" . "screamer" . "yelled/screamed" . "Screaming (in music)" . "Unclean vocals" . . "hardcore punk yells" . "high-pitched screamed vocals" . "clean singing" . "gang vocal" . "unclean backing vocals" . "wailing" . "dirty vocals" . "harsh" . "screaming (music)" . "screaming" . "Scream" . "Screamed" . "Unclean Vocals" . "Hardcore vocals" . "shrieking" . "growling vocals" . . "aggressive vocalist" . "harsh vocal style" . "screamed" . "gang vocals" . "shrieked vocals" . "unclean vocals" . "vocalizing technique" . "Shrieking" . "scream-singing" . "musical screaming" . . "lead vocals" . "screaming vocals" . "shrieked" . "screamed vocals" . "unclean singing" . . . "Vocals" . "scream vocals" . "lead and clean vocals" . . . . . "clean vocals" . "backing vocals, screaming vocals" . "screaming vocalist" . "shriek" . "Screaming (music)" . "unclean Vocals" . "harsh screaming" .