"Inconclussive, Hungarian strategic victory" . "Second V\u00E1c" . . "234 cannons" . . . "(88 cavalry companies)" . . "~1400" . "Total: 27, 834 men" . . "147 cannons" . "Second Battle of V\u00E1c (1849)" . "Second Battle of V\u00E1c" . "1849-07-17" . "- II. infantry corps: 24,733" . . "- VII. corps: 8631" . . "second battle of V\u00E1c" . "- III. corps: 9277" . "Second Battle of V\u00E1c (1849)" . "2nd V\u00E1c" . "- 13. Hussar regiment: 400" . "- III. infantry corps: 28,098" . "(48 1/2 cavalry companies = 4832 men)" . "52, 831 men" . "- Detachment of \u00C1rmin G\u00F6rgey: 800" . . . . "Battle of V\u00E1c" . "- I. corps: 8726" . . . "Austria" . .