"Second Ecumenical Council of Lyon" . "Second Council of Lyon" . . . "Council of Lyons" . "council of Lyon" . "council of Lyon (1274)" . . "Union of the Churches" . . "unionist religious policies" . "Union of Lyon" . "Second Ecumenical Council of Lyons" . . . . . "Council of Lyon" . "church union" . . "Union of Lyons" . "Councils of Lyon" . . . . "a council at Lyon" . "council of Lyon of 1274" . "Council of Lyons in 1274" . . . . . "Second Council of Lyon#Union of the Churches" . "second Councils of Lyon" . "council of Lyons" . . "Lyon, Second Council of" . "unionist" . "Second Council of Lyon" . . . "Lyons" . . . "projected union" .