"Assessor for General Affairs" . "Holy See Secretary of State" . . "Pontifical Council for Public Affairs" . "Substitute of the Secretariat of State" . "Head of Protocol of the Secretariat of State" . "Vatican Secretary of State" . "Deacon of the Secretariat of State" . "Apostolic Briefs" . "Secretariate of State" . "Vatican Secretariat of State" . "apostolic secretary" . . "Secretariat of State (Holy See)#Substitutes for General Affairs" . "Secretariat of the State" . "Secretariat of State (Holy See)#Substitute for General Affairs" . "Consultant of Justice of the Secretariat of State" . "Undersecretary for Relations with States" . "Assessor for General Affairs Emeritus of the Secretariat of State" . "Secretary of State of the Holy See" . "Holy See Secretariat of State" . "Assessor for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State" . "Vatican state department" . "Secretary of State" . "of State" . "Vatican State Secretariat" . "Undersecretary of State" . "Central Office of Church Statistics" . "Substitute for General Affairs" . "Secretariat of Ecclesiastical Affairs" . "Secretariat of State (Holy See)#History of the Secretariat of State" . "Section for Relations with States" . "Vatican's Secretariat of State" . "secretary apostolic" . "Cardinal Secretary of State" . "State Secretariat" . . "Head of Office for Special Affairs of the Secretariat of State" . "Delegate for Pontifical Representations of the Secretariat of State" . . "Secretariat of State of the Holy See" . "Pro-Secretary of State" . "Chancellor of Apostolic Briefs" . . "Substitute" . "Secretariat of State" . . "Substitute of the Vatican Secretariat of State" . "Secretariat of State (Holy See)" . "Apostolic Secretary" . "Secretariat of State (Holy See)" .