"1949" . . "1919" . "Sel\u00E2hattin K\u00F6seo\u011Flu" . . . "\\\"\u00C7olak\\\" Sel\u00E2hattin Bey" . . . . . . . "Sel\u00E2haddin Bey" . . . . . . "22pxOttoman Empire" . "Sel\u00E2hattin Bey" . . . "1882" . . . . . "1898" . . . . . . . . "Vice President of theMilitary Academy, Chief of staff of the Inspectorate of the Rear Area of theFirst Army, Chief of staff of theII Corps, Chief of staff of the Southern Group, 10th Division, 5th Caucasian Division,II Caucasian Corps,IV Corps, General Inspector of Rear Area, Department of War,III Corps" . . . . . . "Sel\u00E2hattin K\u00F6seo\u011Flu" . . . . "Miralay Sel\u00E2haddin Bey" . "\"\u00C7olak\" Sel\u00E2hattin Bey" . . . .