"Single-molecule experiment" . "Single-molecule kinetic analysis" . "single molecule detection" . "spectroscopy of a single molecule" . . "individual molecules" . "single-molecule studies" . "Single Molecule Biology" . "single bio-molecules" . "single molecule imaging" . . "Single-molecule experiment" . "single molecule experiments" . . . "single molecule" . "Single-molecule analysis of protein folding" . "single molecule photochemistry" . "single molecule level" . "single-molecule biophysics" . "fluorescence of a single molecule" . "single-molecule" . "single molecule analysis" . "single-molecule technique" . "single molecules" . "single molecule spectroscopy" . . "single channel recording" . "single-molecule level" . "single-molecule experiment" . "single-particle measurements" . . "single protein and DNA molecules" . "single-molecule method" . . "single-molecule manipulation" . .