. "6-feet away" . "physical distancing for society" . "six feet apart" . . "social-distancing" . "physically distancing" . . "keep apart" . "physical distancing" . "safe distancing measures" . "stayed at the house" . "Social distancing" . . "sparsely attended" . "distance of four feet between people" . "avoiding sick people" . "socially distance" . "socially distant" . "limit contact" . . "physical or social distancing" . "keeping away from sick people" . "flatten the curve" . "maintaining distance from other people" . "social distancing measures" . "distance themselves socially" . "far distance" . "socially distanced" . "safety measures" . "strike during the flu season of 1999\u20132000" . "seated further apart" . "social distancing" . . . "physical distance" . "separated from one another" . "shield" . "socially distancing" . "Social distancing#Social media campaigns" . . . . "avoiding being near sick people" . "socially-distanced" . "less-crowded" . "safely from individual homes" . "Coronavirus isolation" . "Social distancing#COVID-19 pandemic" . "social distanced" . "COVID-friendly" . "social distance" . "spaced" . "Social Distancing" . . "social-distancing measures" . "social distancing restrictions" . "staying away from sick people" . "formation of crowds" . . "\\\"socially distanced\\\"" . "distancing rules" . "six feet away" . "Social distancing" .