"lot drawing" . . . "drawing lots" . "random selection" . "drawn" . "Sortition" . "randomly selected citizens" . "Sortition" . "Demarchy" . "allotment" . . "election by lot" . "randomly selected" . "choice of electors by lot" . "Lot drawing" . . . "by lot" . "random selection to form a representative deliberative body" . . . . "draw" . "cast lots" . "randomly recruits" . . "lot" . . "demarchy" . "lottery" . "appointed by lot" . "drawing of lots" . "randomly recruited" . "draw straws" . . . "allotments" . . . "Sortition#To choose legislative juries" . . "casting of lots" . . . . "draw lots" . . . . . . . . . "casting lots" . . "Drawing of lots" . "by the drawing of lots" . . "his name was drawn from a hat" . "lots" . . . . . "selecting a random person from a group" . "Allotment" . . "drew lots" . "sortition" . "allotted" . "Drawing lots" . . . "democratic lotteries" . "lottery system" . "random drawing" . "drawing" . "who were drawn by chance" . "chosen by lot" . . . . "Casting lots" . "Sortitionism" .