"severe NCAA sanctions" . "temporary cancellation of the football program" . "a massive litany of misconduct" . "cheating scandal" . . "massive scandal" . "\\\"death penalty\\\"" . . "SMU football" . "in 1986" . "massive violations in their football program" . "Southern Methodist University football scandal" . "football program having received" . . "was cancelled" . . . . "massive NCAA rules violations" . "death penalty" . "a pay-for-play scandal" . "Southern_Methodist_University_football_scandal" . . "major infractions" . "a NCAA-imposed \u201Cdeath penalty\u201D" . "their rule violations" . "continue payments to 13 football players" . "massive rules violations" . "death penalty in 1987" . "massive NCAA rule violations" . "NCAA \\\"death penalty\\\"" . "1987 \\\"death penalty\\\" on SMU football" . "Death Penalty" . "1980s football scandal and NCAA death penalty" . . . "1988" . . "1987 scandal" . "Death Penalty sanctions in 1987 and 1988" . "massive violations in its football program" . "massive violations of NCAA rules" . "Southern Methodist University football" . "repeated, flagrant recruiting violations" . "Southern Methodist University football scandal" . "numerous recruiting violations" . "received" . "receiving the NCAA Death Penalty for the 1987\u20138 seasons" . . "\\\"Death Penalty\\\"" . "massive pay-to-play system in the school's football program" . "scandal" . "NCAA Death Penalty" . "massive slush fund scandal" . "scandals at SMU" . "devastated by scandal" . "repeated major violations" . "NCAA's death penalty" . .